Registering to the World Championship, PC Shooting :

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Remember shooting in Plinking-Can Shooting is for Honor and Glory only!

Fun is the operating word here, and finding others with the same interests all over the globe.

One registers to Plinking-Can Shooting by sending in a filled out excel spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet is best downloaded from here, in order to insure that all are formatted the same.

The webmaster will sort, format and publish the results as soon as they are in.

Download WC-PC-Shooting spredsheet.

Get the spreadsheet, edit the sheet (delete previous example data), and register the results from your time at the range.

Prepare to send the data back to us, by saving this to your own PC.

Upload data spreadsheet.

Send back the results to us by clicking on upload, and send us an e-mail.

Write in particulars in your mail about yourself: Who, and where and date of the event.

Attach the saved spreadsheet with data as an Attachment, and click Send-button.

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World Championship PC Shooting a virtual competition staged on the world wide web. Sponsored by SabotørLauget (C) 2001.Webmaster: E. Prestmo