PC Shooting is a Virtual Competition!

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What is a virtual competition?

A virtual competition is organised like a Post match, where the

shooters don't actually meet, but stage shoots at their local range

Later results are posted to a central Web-page or sorted within

categories. There will be categories for classes, areas, and

the World Championship

The Classes :

The classes are alredy covered, and reflect the different gun types that have evolved over the years.

The Areas :

The areas are geographical areas of the world.

So far we have local areas and regional areas. These are at the present limited,

also due to the fact that full auto-shooting is currently restricted in certain areas of the world.

Regional areas : USA and Scandinavia

Local areas : Scandinavia : Norway, Sweden, Denmark & Finland

Other areas will be supported when and as necessary.

How to register

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World Championship PC Shooting a virtual competition staged on the world wide web. Sponsored by SabotørLauget (C) 2001.Webmaster: E. Prestmo hfandrep@online.no