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Thats just fine! Plinking is first and foremost Plinking!

But consider this: this suggested simple setup is an excellent training tool!

So why not give this a test spin anyway, use it as a simple training setup?

As we start up at a very close distance, and simply moves on to longer distances as we're getting better,

just as in real life Plinking, we think that is a good idea.

So by just using this setup as a tool to measure your own progress, or how you measure up to your shooting buddies, we have reached our goal!

If you decide to see how you measure up to the rest out there, just gather a few friends at the range,

set up as outlined here, shoot the course, and post the results for the rest of us to see!

Whichever way you decide to go about it, we wish you good luck!

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World Championship PC Shooting a virtual competition staged on the world wide web. Sponsored by SabotørLauget (C) 2001.Webmaster: E. Prestmo