World Championship PC Shooting!

Plinking - Can Shooting - Relax while shooting!

Plinking is Fun !

Not interested in competitions? Fine! But read this!

Plinking is without doubt the oldest shooting sport there ever was.

We wanted to honor this by staging a simple shooting competiton.

We choose to do this by staging a World Championship on the Internet!

We choose to do it by staging a very simple contest, so simple that anyone can arrange it, virtually anywhere.

The chosen targets are very simple indeed: we shoot at empty tin cans, set on poles!

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Follow the links below, to find information on how to set it up, how to enter results, and how to view the standings.

How to set up the course:

Shooting Rules :

Shooting Classes :

Gun Types:

The Targets :

How to register in the Virtual competition :

The Results !

Backfire from our visitors !

Contact us !

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World Championship PC Shooting a virtual competition staged on the world wide web. Sponsored by SabotørLauget (C) 2001.Webmaster: E. Prestmo

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