Shooting Rules

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Our shooting rules are simple and very safe

because the rules are simple, this type of shooting is fast and fun!

At each shooting position, set up an ammo tray.

The shooter places 5 rounds in the tray.

Upon order from the R.O. the shooter loads his weapon.

Starting position is weapon loaded and ready, in 45 degrees, safety on if applicable. Freestyle shooting.

Upon order from the R.O., the shooter fires 5 shots at the tin cans.

The shooter unloads and holster his gun, under surveillance from R.O.

The shooter steps forward and resets the cans, to make ready for next try.

All shooting is timed by Speedtimer.

Times are disqalified if not all cans are shot down.

The shooter competes at increasing distances, until he misses.

The time from the longest qualified distance for each shooter is noted as his score, together with the shooting distance.

The shooters fire each firing distance in bouts

During one competition, each shooter is allowed one restart (retry)

The shooter decides his own starting distance, in effect deciding when to risk his retry-opportunity, but have to wait for his turn, until the other shooters reach the chosen starting-position..

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World Championship PC Shooting a virtual competition staged on the world wide web. Sponsored by SabotørLauget (C) 2001.Webmaster: E. Prestmo