The Plinking-Can Shooting targets!

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The targets are of course empty tin-cans.

Tin cans do have a tendecy to variate from country to country. In a way that is good.

One has to remember that plinking is supposed to be shooting at targets of opportunity. So variation is GOOD!

However to make the transition to a form of competition, one has to have some sort of a standard.

The WC PC Shooting standard target :

We have choosen an empty beans-in-tomato can as our standard target-of-opportunity.

The dimensions are: approximately 3 inches diametre, approximately 4 inches height.

This box was simply chosen because that is a common size over here.

We have NO way of knowing what size empty tin-cans are in your part of the world. E-mail us if sizes vary wildly from those given here.

Alternatively, one could choose some kind of well known can as a standard, like the Campbell Tomato Soup cans made famous by Andy Warhol's prints.

We have suggested one way of coping with differing can sizes, just follow this link to a page for different sizes and shooting distances.

We would appreciate any and all suggestions to make this work equally well for interested shooters anywhere!

We would be happy to receive words of advice or suggestions at the link below :


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World Championship PC Shooting a virtual competition staged on the world wide web. Sponsored by SabotørLauget (C) 2001.Webmaster: E. Prestmo